Saturday, 15 March 2014

E-Books and Real Estate - a Marriage Made in Internet Heaven

E-books have become the newest weapon in the war for leads in the real estate market. The fierce competition among real estate agencies to get leads for potential buyers and sellers has moved from the streets of big and small town America to the pages of the Internet.

The Internet has proven in recent years to be the most fertile ground for finding and developing potential leads for buyers and sellers and many agencies are investing thousands of dollars in online marketing.

E-books are becoming one of the most powerful and popular ways for real estate agents to generate leads.

Many website design and development firms are urging that real estate clients offer free e-books to enhance lead generation. With an initial cost ranging from $500 to $1,000 for a typical e-book the cost-benefit analysis clearly points to the creation and use of e-books.

Some website design and development firms have actually hired writers specifically for real estate projects that can quickly write unique e-books for each client that provide value to potentials buyers and sellers and provide the real estate agency with a valid e-mail address for follow-up marketing.

E-books have ranged from topics including: How to Get Your Home Ready to Sell; The Ten Commandments of Buying a Home; First Time Homebuyers Rulebook and How to Buy Your First Home.

The key to having an effective e-book is a catchy title, valuable content and the need for someone to enter a valid e-mail address so the e-book can be delivered.

Busy real estate agents generally prefer the website design firm to create the e-book on their behalf and often partner with mortgage lenders and other real estate professionals to defray the cost of the e-book. An e-book can contain links to those professionals selected by the real estate agency.

With more home buyers and sellers turning to the Internet to both buy and sell their homes, real estate agencies must continue to invest in online marketing and e-books are one of the easiest and most cost effective ways to develop leads in the highly competitive field of real estate.

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